September 9, 2024


Art Group: Tuesdays, 6,30-9pm at Holy Trinity Church Hall, High Usworth. Beginners welcome.

Crafty Hands:  Wednesdays 10am-noon (Adults) Washington Millennium Centre. Bring your own crafts. Tel  0191 561 3880. 

Cuppa and cake morning: Mondays and Fridays from 10-11.30am at St George’s Church, Fatfield. All are welcome.

DLI Association Washington Branch: Meets first Tuesday of the month, 8pm at Washington Gardeners Club. All ex-servicemen welcome.

Forever Young ladies: Thursdays 12.30 – 2.30. Donwell Village Hall, NE38 1EE. All welcome.

Inspire Ladies Choir: Thursdays 10-noon. St Andrew’s Church, Washington. Newcomers  welcome, no audition required. for more details.

Man Health: Washington Millennium Centre, Wednesdays 6 -8pm..

Maths Groups for GCSE Students: Every Wednesday, 4-7pm at Leaf & Bean, Crowther Industrial Estate. Delivered by Steps4Success – for information call 07468 582 870.

Mothers Union: First Monday of the month,1.30 at Holy Trinity Church, Washington Village, NE37 7LE. Newcomers welcome. 

 Oil painting, for beginners and experienced artists. Friday 9.30 Washington Arts Centre

One Voice Community Choir  Washington Arts Centre.  Tuesdays 5.30-7pm.

Royal British Legion Washington Branch: Meets second Wednesday of every month (not Sept.) at 7pm, North Biddick Social Club, Washington – All welcome.

Sunderland Male Voice Choir (Formerly Shiney Row): Fridays 6.45-9pm St Chad’s Church, Charter Drive, East Herrington. SR3 3PG. All newcomers welcome,  just turn up, or Tel Mr C Harrison 0191 584010. 

Time for Rhyme: Washington Library. Tuesdays 10-10.30 for preschool children, all welcome.

The B- flats choir:  Washington Arts Centre , Wednesdays 10 – 11.30.

Washington Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers: Some of these groups are full but all offer waiting lists. For information contact

Washington History Society: First Monday of the month 1.30-4pm at Washington Mind, Grasmere Terrace, Columbia. .

Washington WI venues and monthly meetings:

Washington Station WI:  The Life House, Columbia, third Tuesday of the month, 6.45pm.

Washington Concord WI: St Andrew’s Church, Concord first Tuesday of the month, 1.30pm.

Bowes Belles WI: Wrekenton Methodist Church, second Tuesday of the month,  7pm.

Anyone interested in joining the WI is welcome to attend any of these meetings for a visit.

Washington U3A venues and monthly meetings:

Washington U3a: St Andrew’s Church, Concord, second Tuesday of the month,10am.

Wessington U3a: North Biddick Social Club, Third Monday of the month,1pm.

Washington Village U3a: The Stella, Albany, first Thursday of the month 11.15am.

Anyone interested in finding about about the U3a is welcome to attend any meeting for a visit.

Washington Forge Rotary: Mondays (except public holidays)  7.30pm for 7.45pm, The Holiday Inn, Emerson Road, Washington.

Washington Rotary: Thursdays at The Washington Arms, Washington Village, NE38 7AB. 12.30. Tel. 0191 4187843. .

Washington area Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Seniors: info,

Washingtones Pop Choir: Tuesdays 6-7.30pm..Our Blessed Lady RC Church, Washington 

Washington Arts Centre has various projects for children on Saturdays, including art, music, drums and theatre. Details available from the venue or tel. 0191 5613455

Washington Theatre Group, Washington Arts Centre, Tuesdays 7-9pm 

Watercolour painting Washington Arts Centre, Tuesdays 9.30 or 1.30pm. 

Washington Wildlife Group: Meets last Wednesday of the month at Columbia Community Association and offers a range of wildlife activities in the local area and field trips in Summer. Further details from the co-ordinator on 07530 904031. 

*These social events and groups will remain listed here and in our print publications unless we are informed of any changes. To cancel, amend or get your event listed, please email: