January 17, 2025


Age Uk: Drivers needed, also other general duties. 0191 514 1131 or website, ageuk.org.uk

Arts Centre Washington: Volunteers wanted to work in various areas. Call 0191 561 3455 or email acw@sunderland.gov.uk.

Bowes Railway Centre, Springwell:  Volunteers wanted for various duties including woodworking, restoration, tearoom, tour guides. Call 0191 416 1847, website  bowesrailway.org.

Beamish Museum: Application forms online at beamish.org.uk, or call 0191 370 4003.

Keep Washington Tidy: The group meets monthly to arrange litter picks throughout the town.further details from info@keepwashingtontidy.com 

Washington Clean and Green: An ongoing project to improve the green spaces of Washington, no experience necessary as full training is provided, Various dates and venues. All volunteers must complete an induction. Further information from 0191 537 3231, 07552 220701 or jennyhopper@communityopportunities.co.uk 

Washington In Bloom The group works every Sunday morning in the village from 10-12noon,  planting and maintaining the gardens all year – round. Visitors are welcome for a chat.

Washington Wildfowl Centre: Help needed in the garden and insect pond area. Call 0191 416 5454, website wwt.org.uk.

Washington Fatfield 1st Scouts: The group is looking for adult volunteers. To enquire please contact  volunteer@hls-scouts.org.uk

North East Land Sea and Air museum (Former Aircraft museum) Volunteers always welcome, visitors are welcome for a chat during museum hours, 10-4 Tuesdays to Sundays.

*These events and groups will remain listed here and in our print publications unless we are informed of any changes. To cancel, amend or get your event listed, please email: listings@washingtonway.co.uk